Thanks, Nauticost, for the quick help. Clearing up the next day.
Looking for a connector for a digital temperature gauge, in the engine room, I found this in the sump: It took me a second to assess the dangers in a possible oil leak this size, like; fire, surface corrosion, pollution and overheating of the actual engine. I called in some help for advice and it turned out to be a water leak, with oil stain. The water was dripping from a tube which connects to the water heater. This would be part of the cooling system of the engine, regulating the temperature of the engine also. If it was running with the water flooded into the sump, it would break down from overheating. Some pumping, tubing and wiping, over a hard 3 hours, had everything running the way it should.
Thanks, Nauticost, for the quick help. Clearing up the next day.
We're sorry for leaving you again but with moving into a studio and making refitting and coding changes on TandEadapt. There's been no time for regular posting.
On that note, completed today was the new gangway, in the lower helm. It was originally all blue but our followers liked the window affect of the door cuttings. We left it there and decided to treat the visual wood at a later stage. Sample of the material for the surprise gangway conversion, arrived this morning. It looks good. Might be back on track to start work before the Volvo Ocean Race. No chance of being ready for it though😩
The new berth has great views and is a little quieter. There is a super yacht arriving which needed TandEadapt's old berth. It should be out the water in couple weeks regardless.
AuthorAaron Dia Pemberton. RYA qualified skipper. Trawler yacht captain of T&Eadapt Categories |