Weather needs revision and more thorough understanding. It's clear enough but they're asking for the witch.
Had problems negotiating the reflections of light on water at night. Must remember to bring and command, A TORCH, during night passages.
Get variation right!
Use a watch for monitoring time and tidal depth observation. I've used the rule of twelths to avoid being caught in low tides.
The range divided by 12 and observed in hours as 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, 3/12, 2/12, 1/12. Providing the rate of increase and decreasing in 6 hours.
More familiarisation of the local water must be taken into my considerations.
I tend to overcomplicate things. The leading line on a lateral buoy does not need to taken as though it's a Geographical Position of a celestial body. (It did look go when I made it that bright though.)